Início » Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil Launches a Primer on Digital Sovereignty Articles Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil Launches a Primer on Digital Sovereignty The Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil (MTST) launched a primer on digital sovereignty. It addresses issues of sovereignty and technology from social movements, workers’ struggles and the majority world. The primer was supported by the University of Toronto through the ACM Research, Creative & Professional Practice Grant (RCPP) from the Department of Arts, Culture and Media. The research and dissemination process was built collectively between Professor Rafael Grohmann/DigiLabour and members of the Technology Sector of the Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil, as a knowledge mobilization activity. Read the Primer in English or Portuguese.It is also available on the social movement’s home page. Some of the principles of the Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil for digital sovereignty are: Technological sovereignty focused on a “popular” framework, anchored in the working class perspective; Significant access to technologies, with technological literacy conducted from a critical perspective; Ownership of digital platforms and other technologies in the hands of workers; Data should serve workers, not work against them; Safe Internet for minority populations. DigiLabour Share This Artigo AnteriorLimits of Decolonial Debate in Internet Research - Online Panel Next ArticleLearning About Trans Technologies and Work in Brazil and Argentina 1 de May de 2023